Some words of fire arms history
The official date of fire arms appearing, at least among the Europeans, is considered to be the XVI century, when the technique development allowed using the powder (almost up to the end of XIX century it was the smoky powder) as the propellant.
Using of powder had started the new era in the military – the artillery appeared for the first time and shortly, in the same XIV century the separate branch of artillery appeared – manual fire arm.
In Russia the fire arms appeared in XIV century as well. It is not known the exact date. The first samples of fire arms were extremely imperfect. They were quite short iron or bronze tubes riveted from separate strips or forged from the whole chunk. One end of the tube was tightly closed or sometimes there was a stick, fully metal or transferred into staff. Tubes- barrels without a stick were attached to boxes that were roughly handled wooden chopping blocks. The loading and firing were the primitive one. It was put some powder inside the barrel and then a projectile was added – iron or lead spherical bullet. The shooter took the weapon (suppressed under his hand or rested on the shoulder or the chest; very often the ground or any other fixed basis used as the thrust) and aimed. After that the charge ignited by the fire (usually it was the smouldered wick) or by the heated stick though the small hole at the barrel. Usually not the shooter himself but his assistant ignited the charge. The manual fire arms were not very different from the artillery weapon and in common they were the same guns but so diminished that it was possible to use them manually.
During the evolution of non-automatic guns, the main type of individual small arms, where the powder energy is used for bullet throwing, the cassette rifles turned out to be the very top of the technical efficiency (for non-automatic weapon) that the constructors-gunmakers in many countries tried to reach for a long time. Rifles with cassettes and their construction included all the best inventions. All their qualities were brought up to the highest perfection.
Revolvers and pistols have started their history not so long ago. If the first fire arms appeared in the XIV century, then “small arms” which supposed firing by one hand, appeared much later – only in the middle of XVI century. In pistols development there are some main moments: planned the barrel length increasing by the end of XVI century simultaneously with the caliber decreasing; gradual replacement within the XVII century of spark ring locks by impact silicon locks; appearance – especially on the handles- of the rationalism and the grace; occurrence of duel pistols distinguished by very high qualities. And only at the beginning of XIX century the period of stormy development started.
One of the main inventions used for revolvers, was the invention of unitary ammunition (ammunition with charge, bullet and primer-igniter united by the case as the one). Their appearance served as the base for the development of new construction of portative weapon – automatic pistols.
Nowadays modern automatic machines are on the same high level as among the non-automatic weapon of that time the cassettes rifles were.
Weapon |
Ammunition |
Military ammunition of 7.62 mm caliber |
7.62 mm Kalashnikov machine-gun (PK) and its modifications (PKS,-PKB, PKT, PKM)
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-323C
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with modernize tracer bullet T-46M, designation 7T2M
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing tracer bullet ÁT, designation 7ÁT1
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 7-ÁÇ-3
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing bullet ÁÏ, designation 7N26
7,62 mm blank rifle cartridge, designation 57-X-340
7,62 mm training rifle cartridge, designation 57-HE-Ó×
7,62 mm machine-gun «Pecheneg” ind.6Ð41
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-323C
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with modernize tracer bullet T-46M, designation 7T2M
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing tracer bullet ÁT, designation 7ÁT1
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 7-ÁÇ-3
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing bullet ÁÏ, designation 7N26
7,62 mm blank rifle cartridge, designation 57-X-340
7,62 mm training rifle cartridge, designation 57-HE-Ó×
7,62 mm hand-operated Dyagterev machine-gun (DP) and its modifications (DPM, DT, DTM)
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-323C
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with modernize tracer bullet T-46M, designation 7T2M
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing tracer bullet ÁT, designation 7ÁT1
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 7-ÁÇ-3
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing bullet ÁÏ, designation 7N26
7,62 mm blank rifle cartridge, designation 57-X-340
7,62 mm training rifle cartridge, designation 57-HE-Ó×
7.62 mm Gorunov machine-gun (SG) and its modifications (SGM,SGMB, SGMT)
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-323C
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with modernize tracer bullet T-46M, designation 7T2M
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing tracer bullet ÁT, designation 7ÁT1
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 7-ÁÇ-3
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing bullet ÁÏ, designation 7N26
7,62 mm blank rifle cartridge, designation 57-X-340
7,62 mm training rifle cartridge, designation 57-HE-Ó×
7,62 mm hand-operated machine-gun of 1946 (RP-46)
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-323C
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with modernize tracer bullet T-46M, designation 7T2M
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing tracer bullet ÁT, designation 7ÁT1
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 7-ÁÇ-3
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing bullet ÁÏ, designation 7N26
7,62 mm blank rifle cartridge, designation 57-X-340
7,62 mm training rifle cartridge, designation 57-HE-Ó×
7,62 mm air machine-gun (GSHG-7,62)
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-323C
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with modernize tracer bullet T-46M, designation 7T2M
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing tracer bullet ÁT, designation 7ÁT1
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 7-ÁÇ-3
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing bullet ÁÏ, designation 7N26
7,62 mm blank rifle cartridge, designation 57-X-340
7,62 mm training rifle cartridge, designation 57-HE-Ó×
7,62 mm Dragunov sniper rifles (SVD), folded (SVDS), with night sight (SVDN-1)
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-323C
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with modernize tracer bullet T-46M, designation 7T2M
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing tracer bullet ÁT, designation 7ÁT1
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 7-ÁÇ-3
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing bullet ÁÏ, designation 7N26
7,62 mm blank rifle cartridge, designation 57-X-340
7,62 mm training rifle cartridge, designation 57-HE-Ó×
7,62 mm rifle sniper cartridge, designation 7H1
7,62 mm rifle sniper cartridge with armour-piercing bullet, designation 7H14
7.62 mm carbine of 1944
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-323C
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with modernize tracer bullet T-46M, designation 7T2M
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing tracer bullet ÁT, designation 7ÁT1
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 7-ÁÇ-3
7,62 mm rifle cartridge with armour-piercing bullet ÁÏ, designation 7N26
7,62 mm blank rifle cartridge, designation 57-X-340
7,62 mm training rifle cartridge, designation 57-HE-Ó×
7,62 mm rifle sniper cartridge, designation 7H1
7,62 mm rifle sniper cartridge with armour-piercing bullet, designation 7H14
7.62 mm manual magazine rifle SV-98
7,62 mm training rifle cartridge, designation 57-HE-Ó×
Military ammunition of 9 mm caliber |
9mm Makarov pistol
9mm pistol cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-181C
Yarygin pistol (ind. 6Ï35)
9x19 mm cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 7H21
9 mm Stechkin pistol
9 mm pistol cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-181C
9 mm pistol-machine-gun “Bizon”
9 mm pistol cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-181C
9 mm pistol-machine-gun “Kiparis”
9 mm pistol cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-181C
9 mm pistol-machine-gun “Kedr”
9 mm pistol cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-181C
9 mm pistol-machine-gun “Kashtan”
9 mm pistol cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-181C
9 mm pistol-machine-gun “Klin”
9 mm pistol cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 57-H-181C
Pistol GSH-18
9x19 mm cartridge with steel core bullet, designation 7H21
9 mm autoloading SVDK
9 mm sniper cartridge, designation 7H33
Military ammunition of 12.7 mm caliber |
12,7 mm machine-gun DSHK, DSHKM, DSHKMT
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 57-ÁÇ-542
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing-incendiary-tracer bullet ÁÇÒ-44M, designation 57-ÁÇÒ-542Ì
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing-incendiary bullet ÁC, designation 7-ÁÇ-1
12,7 mm blank cartridge, designation 7X1
12,7 mm training cartridge, designation 7X2
12,7 mm machine-gun “Utes” (NSV-12,7; NSVT)
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 57-ÁÇ-542
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing-incendiary-tracer bullet ÁÇÒ-44M, designation 57-ÁÇÒ-542Ì
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing-incendiary bullet ÁC, designation 7-ÁÇ-1
12,7 mm blank cartridge, designation 7X1
12,7 mm training cartridge, designation 7X2
12,7 mm machine-gun “Kord”
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 57-ÁÇ-542
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing-incendiary-tracer bullet ÁÇÒ-44M, designation 57-ÁÇÒ-542Ì
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing-incendiary bullet ÁC, designation 7-ÁÇ-1
12,7 mm blank cartridge, designation 7X1
12,7 mm training cartridge, designation 7X2
12,7 mm Afanasyev machine-gun (A-12,7)
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing incendiary bullet Á-32, designation 57-ÁÇ-542
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing-incendiary-tracer bullet ÁÇÒ-44M, designation 57-ÁÇÒ-542Ì
12,7 mm cartridge with armour-piercing-incendiary bullet ÁC, designation 7-ÁÇ-1
12,7 mm blank cartridge, designation 7X1
12,7 mm training cartridge, designation 7X2
Large-caliber sniper rifle Kovrovskaya (KSVK)
12,7 mm sniper cartridge, designation 7H34
Sniper rifle V-94
12,7 mm sniper cartridge, designation 7H34
Sniper rifle OSV-96
12,7 mm sniper cartridge, designation 7H34
12, 7 mm manual magazine rifle ASVK
12,7 mm sniper cartridge, designation 7H34
12,7 mm sniper rifle “Kord” ind. 6Â7
12,7 mm sniper cartridge, designation 7H34
Hunting ammunition |
Hunting carbine KO-91/30
Cartridge of 7,62õ54R caliber
Cartridge of 9õ53R SP caliber
Hunting carbine autoloading Browning Bar II Boss
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Cartridge of 30-06 Spring caliber
Hunting carbine autoloading Vepr-308
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Hunting carbine autoloading Vepr-308 (Super)
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Hunting carbine autoloading Vepr 30-06
Cartridge of 30-06 Spring caliber
Hunting carbine autoloading Vepr of 7,62 x 54R
Cartridge of 7,62õ54R caliber
Hunting carbine autoloading Vepr-Hunter
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Cartridge of 30-06 Spring caliber
Cartridge of 7,62õ54R caliber
Hunting carbine autoloading Tiger, Tiger-1
Cartridge of 7,62õ54R caliber
Hunting carbine autoloading Tiger-308, Tiger-308-1
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Hunting carbine autoloading Tiger-9, Tiger-9-1
Cartridge of 9,3õ64 caliber
Hunting multy-charge carbine TOZ-109
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Hunting carbine TOZ-122
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Cartridge of 30-06 Spring caliber
MZ7-07 double-barrelled pipe connection with vertical barrels of 7,62 mm caliber
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 SP caliber c ïóëåé âåñîì 9,7 ã.
MZ7-09 double-barrelled pipe connection with vertical barrels of 9 mm caliber
Cartridge of 9õ53R SP caliber
Hunting carbine MZ-19-07
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Carbine MZ 125
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Carbine MZ 126
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Hunting carbine Medved, Medved-2
Cartridge of 9õ53R SP caliber
Hunting carbine Medved-3, Medved-4
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Hunting carbine Los-7, Los-7-1
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Hunting carbine Los-9-1, Los-9-2, Los-98-3
Cartridge of 9,3õ64 caliber
Large-caliber rifle “Record-1”
Cartridge of 7,62õ54R caliber «Ýêñòðà»
Large-caliber rifle “Record-1-308”
Cartridge of 7,62õ51
Large-caliber rifle “Record-2”
Cartridge of 7,62õ54R caliber «Ýêñòðà»
Large-caliber rifle “Record-2-308”
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Hunting carbine MP-142K of modular construction
Cartridge of 9,3õ64 mm caliber
Cartridge of 30-06 Spring caliber
Double-barrelled hunting rifle MP-221 “Artemida”
Cartridge of 30-06 Spring caliber
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Double-barrelled combined hunting rifle IZH-94 (lower barrel)
Cartridge of 30-06 Spring caliber
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Cartridge of 9õ53R caliber
Cartridge of 7,62õ54R caliber
Double-barrelled hunting rifle IZH-94 “Express”
Cartridge of 30-06 Spring caliber
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Ïàòðîí 9õ53R caliber
Cartridge of 7,62õ54R caliber
Single-barrel hunting rifle IZH-18MN
Cartridge of 30-06 Spring caliber
Cartridge of 7,62õ51 caliber
Cartridge 9õ53R caliber
Cartridge of 7,62õ54R caliber
Ammunition for law-enforcement & traumatic arms |
Law-enforcement pistol Izh-71
Cartridge 9õ17 mm «Kurz»
Cartridge 9õ17 mm «Kurz»
Gas pistol with opportunity of firing by rubber bullet cartridges MP-79-9TM “Makarych”
Cartridges of 9 mm PA caliber with rubber bullet
Pistol MP-446 Viking
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Low-enforcement pistol MP-471
Cartridges of 10x23T mm caliber
Makarov Pistol (PM)
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm caliber PSV
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm caliber PSV
Yarygin pistol
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Cartridge of 9õ19 mm caliber «Luger»
Gas pistol with opportunity of firing by rubber bullet cartridges MP-78-9TM
Cartridges of 9 mm PA caliber with rubber bullet
Gas pistol MP-81 with opportunity of firing by traumatic cartridges
Cartridges of 9 mm PA caliber with rubber bullet
Streamer 1014 (manufacturer “Target Technologies LLC”)
Cartridges of 9 mm PA caliber with rubber bullet
Stalker (manufacture ATAK Arms Ltd Turkey)
Cartridge of traumatic caliber 10x22T
Reck Cobra (manufacture Umarex Sportwaffen Germany)
Cartridge of traumatic caliber .380 ME GUM
9 mm Stechkin pistol
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV
9 mm pistol-machine-gun “Bizon”
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV
9 mm pistol-machine-gun “Kiparis”
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV
9 mm pistol-machine-gun “Kedr”
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV
9 mm pistol-machine-gun “Kashtan”
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV
9 mm pistol-machine-gun “Klin”
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV
Cartridge of 9õ18 mm PSV